
Amniotic liquid lactate (AFL): an indicator of work result in dystocic labor

Smith Jones

The goal of this review is: Even today, childbirth is responsible for the deaths or severe complications of hundreds of thousands of women. Stopped labor progress, also known as dystocia of labor, is one of the most common causes. Since Friedman developed the Partogram in the 1950s, there have been no advances in the diagnosis or treatment of dystocic deliveries. Dystocic labor can only be treated with oxytocin. Oxytocin can sometimes save a woman’s life, especially in severe postpartum hemorrhages. In addition, it is one of the drugs used the most frequently in obstetric care. The purpose of this review article is to provide a brief summary of the current understanding of labor metabolism, uterine lactate production, and their connection to labor dystocia. The article also aims to provide a glimpse into the future of dystocic labor management and to reflect innovative approaches to practical recommendations for treating labor dystocia
