
CellSonic Discovering Medical Cures

Andrew Hague

We now know that CellSonic can cure cancer . This is a recent discovery and there are questions about how this came about. Follow the trail from the origins of CellSonic to see how one thing led to another. The story begins with breaking kidney stones. Sound waves which are pressure waves were aimed at a stone to reduce it to fragments small enough to pass through the urethra. This was the first ever non-invasive surgery. When tested on bone, the bone micro-fractured and healed well by promoting the growth of osteoblasts . Orthopaedic surgeons treating fractures with wounds observed that wounds healed better and thus discovered the best way to heal wounds, especially diabetic ulcers . It was found that the impact of the pressure waves was more effective when the rise time of the pulse was shorter. In other words, the decibels had to go from zero to the highest level in as short a time as possible. CellSonic did it by shorting 25,000 volts across a 1 mm gap and the ensuing bang was the sudden pressure. As well as causing high voltage to jump the gap, CellSonic perfected the switching of the high voltage so that the chain of events was minimised. The accumulative benefit of perfect electrical switching resulted in a significant technological difference between the earlier means of bombarding kidney stones and the later method of targeting body cells. To signify the difference between the old shockwaves and the new method, the CellSonic was called VIPP, very intense pressure pulse . Over forty years, millions of patients in almost every hospital in the world had kidney stones removed non-invasively. This proved the safety of the method. When the request came to try it on cancer, the safety was assured; there had been the longest trial in medical history. The first cancer patient was cured four years ago. At the time it was believed that the pressure pulses had killed the cancer cells and that could certainly be what happened. Later discoveries revealed additional forces at work. With 25,000 volts flashing across the gap in the shock head, a powerful electromagnetic field with a duration of one billionth of a second was projected into the body. Research at Bradford University in England and papers by Dr Haltiwanger had established that cancer is an electrical fault; its voltage is very low and has to be higher to be healthy. CellSonic lifts that voltage instantly and provides an immediate cure. Understanding the voltage explained the success at wound healing and repairing nerve damage. CellSonic achieved results that were explained later. It was not a process of knowing what was required and then making a machine to provide the effect. A fortuitist effect of the CellSonic high voltage pulse is that the frequency is very high, high enough to affect all types of cancers. The decision at CellSonic to persevere with the fast, high voltage switching was based on the wound healing results. The wider consequences were understood when research done fifty years ago showed that wounds and cancer are similar, they are a wet cell battery. make anything and still makes a shockwave machine, the Lithosplit, to remove kidney stones with a probe touching the kidney stone. Using the To describe CellSonic as a shockwave machine is wrong, as wrong as saying that modern racing bicycles are hobby horses. They both have two wheels and there the similarity ends. CellSonic is unique. Our factory can same technique outside the body does not achieve the results of CellSonic VIPP. Cost of Cure The only cost that matters in medicine is the cost of cure. In every case, CellSonic shows the lowest cost ofcure based on being able to cause a cure quickly. During a treatment, the most expensive part of the cost is the doctor and second is the cost of the premises. The cost of the machine is much further down the scale. There are no drugs used and no side effects on the patient or the doctor. The end result is profit for a hospital and lower costs for the patient. The patient has to attend for treatment far less and the cures are generally permanent.
