LASER- THE TECHNOLOGY Technology is as good as mind behind it.
Sana FaristaExplore the world of lasers with the master herself. It's a great time for dentists to consider an update to their practices! Lasers can prove to be a blessing in disguise if used safely and properly. Unlike traditional tools, dental lasers can improve their patient’s experiences by eliminating the certain drawbacks associated with them. This knowledge filled clinical based session will give an insight on Lasers right from the basics of laser science to most advanced soft and hard tissue dental applications. It will include plenitude of indications in all of the Disciplines of Dentistry (Oral medicine, Periodontics, Pedodontics, Prosthodontics, Orthodontics, Oral Surgery, Exodontia). Also the importance of using lasers in Photobiomodulation would be discussed. The overall goal of session is to provide dental professionals with an understanding on application of lasers in dentistry, make them aware of all the do’s and don’ts with the use of lasers, provide bang-on clinical tips and tricks to make lasing effortless for the clinicians and their patients.