
Neurocognitive outcome of children exposed to severe hypoglycemia in utero

Daniele Pacaud & Deborah Dewey

Severe hypoglycemia (lost of consciousness or convulsion) has been reported in up to 40% of pregnancies complicated by Type 1 diabetes and in up to 22% of cases there is more than one episode reported during pregnancy. This article reviews relevant literature and explores the potential impact of severe hypoglycemia during pregnancy on the neurocognitive development of children. As no human research has specifically examined this issue, we will first review research that has used animal models followed by a review of studies that have investigated the impact of maternal diabetes on the neurocognitive outcome of the offspring. Research on the impact of severe hypoglycemia on young children’s neurocognitive outcomes will also be examined. Finally, the direction and need for further research in this field will be discussed.
