
Xuezhikang Capsule for Type 2 Diabetes with Hyperlipemia: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Clinical Trails

Banshi Saboo*

To evaluate the effectuality and safety of Xuezhikang capsule treating type2 polygenic disorder with lipaemia, we tend to searched six databases to spot relevant studies revealed before Jan 2015. 2 review authors severally extracted knowledge and assessed the Cochrane risk of bias tool. We tend to resolved disagreements with this assessment through discussion and a choice was achieved by agreement. We tend to enclosed twenty one studies (1548 participants). Treatment courses were a minimum of eight weeks. Overall, the danger of bias of enclosed trials was unclear. Among them, sixteen studies might conduct meta-analysis. The result showed that compared with routine cluster (5 studies), Xuezhikang cluster had additional impact on decreasing TC, TG, LDL-C, and rising HDL-C. However, compared with statins cluster (11 studies); Xuezhikang cluster has less impact on decreasing TC, TG, and rising HDL-C. Meanwhile, 2 teams had no applied math variations of LDL-C level. Xuezhikang capsule could also be effective for treating type2 polygenic disorder with hyperlipidemia. Our findings ought to be thought of cautiously because of unclear risk of bias of the enclosed studies and low method quality. Therefore, additional strictly designed large-scale randomised clinical trials square measure required to judge the effectuality of Xuezhikang capsule in kind two polygenic disorders with hyperlipidemia.
