
A successful treatment of incontinence associated dermatitis (IAD) using combination stomahesive powder and pasta: a case study

Maria Magdelena, Linda Andreyani, and Suriadi

Introduction: Incontinence Associated Dermatitis (IAD), sometimes referred to as perineal dermatitis, is characterized by inflammation and/or erosion of the skin associated with exposure to urine or stool, this case study is presented the successful management of IAD using a combination of stomahesive powder and pasta in-home care setting. Method: This case study describes the management of IAD, an 84-year-old lady who was admitted into a home care setting. She has a history of diseases such as stroke, diabetes, diarrhoea, and Incontinence-associated dermatitis is caused by exposure to stool (diarrhoea). Results: The rapid improvement within the first week was reduced from IAD. After 1 week of using stomahesive powder and paste, the skin condition had improved and by the second week, the skin was not inflamed and no longer excoriated. Within 14 days, the IAD had resolved, and the lesions were healing rapidly with skin normally present. Conclusion: This study presented that a combination of stomahesive powder and pasta was found useful as a treatment for IAD in clinical practice.
