
Evoluation of the effect of structural-physical changes in water on biological activity

AA Stekhin, GV Yakovleva,TI Iksanova, KN Pronko, VM Zemskov*

The paper examines the influence of changes in structural and physical state of water on biological activity of test organisms (luminescent bacteria of the transgenic strain Escherichia coli Z905/pPHL7). The preliminary informational effect of UHF radiation on water shifts the energy distribution in water associates, which causes a growth spurt of microorganism activity by more than a decimal exponent. The paper also shows that the energy source for ATP synthesis, produced by proton ATP synthase (F0F1-ATP synthase, where F1 and F0 are protein complexes), is connected with a nonlocal electron transfer from water to the hydrate structures of the F0-complex, which, by way of rotation, transfers protons for ATP synthesis.
