
Experimental models of osteoarthritis: usefulness in the development of disease-modifying osteoarthritis drugs/agents

Jean-Pierre Pelletier, Christelle Boileau, Roy D Altman and Johanne Martel-Pelletier

This work aims at reviewing the experimental animal models capable of reproducing osteoarthritis (OA) changes as seen in humans. Relevant studies in which compounds/agents have been tested for potential effect as disease-modifying OA drugs in large-to-small OA animal models are reviewed. Special attention is given to studies in which compounds were investigated in a translational fashion: from preclinical models to humans. This review is by no means comprehensive, but does cover the majority of therapeutics and disease-modifying OA drugs/agents tested in OA animal models. Findings from these studies may provide insight into the suitability of these models for the evaluation of therapeutic agents that could be effective in humans.
