
Rheumatologists from Brazil's country are skilled in interventional medicine

Carmen Gomez

Objects: Describe Brazilian rheumatologists's capability in interventional rheumatology; assess the association between this capability and demographic and training variables.

Methods: Across-sectional study with 500 Brazilian rheumatologists. Actors were assessed by tone- administered questionnaire conforming of demographics, training, practice in office and knowledge in interventional rheumatology data.

Results: 463 actors had their data anatomized. The mean age was40.2 times (±11.2). 70 had performed per articular injections and 78 had performedintra-articular injections. The sample was divided into three groups on-interventionist, little interventionist and veritably interventionist. Then on-interventionist group showed( p=0.001 –0.04) advanced mean age, lower proportion of university bond, lower training history, advanced proportion of graduates in the southeast country, and advanced proportion of graduates in the 1980s to 1989. The veritably interventionist group showed advanced( p=0.001 –0.018) proportion of adult rheumatologists, advanced proportion of university bond, longer training time with lesser practice of complex procedures, and advanced proportion of graduates, trained and with private practice in the south country. Variables most associated with the veritably interventionist group are performing axialintra-articular injections( or7.4, p=0.001), synovial vivisection( or5.75, p = 0.043), image- guided iai( or4.16, p=0.001), viscosupplementation( or = 3.41, p=0.001), common lavage( or = 3.22, p = 0.019), salivary gland vivisection( or = 2.16, p = 0.034) and over 6- month training( or2.16, p = 0.008)

Conclusion: Performing more complex invasive procedures and over 6- month training in interventional rheumatology were variables associated with enhanced interventional profile
