
Suicide prevention according to different health professionals: quantification analysis in a qualitative study

Munoz-Sanchez JL*, Sanchez- Gomez MC, Martin-Cilleros MV, Blanco-Dorado C, Franco-Martin MA

Objective: The purpose of this study is to analyze the differences in the perception of suicide prevention of four different groups of health professionals in a region in north-western Spain. Methods: Eight focal groups were made (two for each professional category) involving a total of 12 primary care physicians, 14 emergency care physicians, 17 psychologists and 13 psychiatrists. A qualitative analysis was conducted alongside a quantitative analysis to quantify the qualitative data. Results: Qualitative analysis: The four groups of health professionals attach more importance to intervention in risk behaviors. All of them agree that there are difficulties in intervention, the main one for primary care and emergency care professionals being the lack of training and time, while psychiatrists and psychologists believe the main issue lies in the management of suicidal behavior. Unlike the other groups, psychiatrists attach greater importance to resources and their availability and accessibility. Quantitative analysis: There are clear associations between psychologists and intervention in risk behaviors, primary care physicians and difficulties in suicide prevention, emergency care physicians and the resources available in the area of prevention, and psychiatrists and the work-related relevance they attach to these suicidal behaviors. Conclusion: All these professionals agree on the need for arranging improved assistance and prevention for people at risk for suicide. Future research is required to make progress in suicide prevention and in the treatment of suicide-related behaviors from the healthcare sector
